Oddelek za zgodovino

Zimska šola Univerze na Dunaju: "The Discovery of Modernity - Vienna Around 1900"

Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni, 

prejeli smo vabilo na zimsko šolo Univerze na Dunaju, na kulturnozgodovinsko temo "The Discovery of Modernity - Vienna Around 1900."  

Šola bo potekala od 3. do 17. 2. 2023, prijavni rok pa je 30. 11. 2022. Šola je plačljiva. 

Več v sledečem sporočilu organizatorjev in v priloženi brošuri, prijavni obrazec pa je v priponki: 

The two-week program combines first class academic courses with an extensive social and cultural program. Vienna’s rich cultural heritage, especially the museums, will lead to a thorough understanding of the input of the fin-de-siècle on the modernization of Europe. 

This unique program consists of high-level lectures in the morning and guided excursions in the city of Vienna as well as visits to various museums in the afternoon. Outside the framework of classes, Vienna offers plenty of opportunities to explore additional cultural and historical sights. 

The academic course environment encourages intercultural and social exchange and favors mutual understanding within the international student population. Participants thus broaden their horizons, meet colleagues from different fields of study, make friends for life and build connections for their future professional careers. 

We made a video to offer some impressions of the univie: winter school. Please use the following link for access: Winter School Video (univie.ac.at) 

For more detailed information about the univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies please visit our homepage: http://shs.univie.ac.at/winter-school 

Attached you will find the PDF version of the folder for 2023 as well as the application form. 

The application deadline for the winter school is November 30, 2022.  

If you have any questions or special requests, please contact the Program Coordinators at: sommerhochschule@univie.ac.at 




Department of English

Change of Office Hours Janez Skela

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Vojko Gorjanc

Department of English

Change of Office Hours Vesna Lazović

Department of Philosophy

Change of Office Hours Maja Malec

Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory

Change of Office Hours Anja Mrak