Man and Cosmos in the Renaissance

Man and Cosmos in the Renaissance

Lectures: 15

Seminars: 15

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Malec Maja

- Introduction: outline of the Renaissance period, what it includes, main currents ...
- Humanism and the Renaissance in Florence in the early quattrocento.
- The Renaissance as the re-discovery of classical culture: proportions, harmony, perspective ...
- The »coincidence of opposites« in the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa.
- The significance of the collection Corpus hermeticum for Renaissance thought.
- The Platonic Academy in Florence: Ficino, Pico, Lorenzo Medici ...
- Mythology, iconography and philosophy in Botticelli's paintings;
- The Renaissance city.
- Leonardo da Vinci: »knowing how to see« (saper vedere);
- The Renaissance Menippean satires: Erasmus, More, Bosch, Rabelais ...
- The Renaissance and scientific revolution.
- Bruno's cosmological infinitism and Christianity;
- Michel de Montaigne: Essays – the philosophy of »human measure«.