Intercultural education

Intercultural education

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Skubic Ermenc Klara

a) The development of intercultural education: the reasons, models and discourses of intercultural education;
b) Two main responses of education systems to linguistically and culturally heterogeneous student body: assimilationist model (foreign, Ausländer pedagogy), intercultural education (intercultural pedagogy);
c) Liberal versus multiculturalism concepts of education;
d) Interculturalism as pedagogical and didactic principle:
- Education in the context of cultural relativism
- The equality discourse vs. the deficit discourse
- Cultural heterogeneity and social stratification
- Minorities and immigrant communities and learning achievements
- Interculturalism and inclusion;

e) The drawbacks of intercultural pedagogy;
f) European and Slovenian policy in the field of intercultural education:
- General characteristics and principles of European education policy (with the emphasis on the subsidiarity principle and soft political tools);
- Political documents in the field of integration of students of immigrant background in education and the processes of policy-making);
- Intercultural dialogue; pros and cons;
- Slovenian policy concerning immigrant population in education (normative framework and implementation challenges);

g) Vocational education in Slovenia from the perspective of student of immigrant background (equity in VET, strengths and weaknesses, the place and learning achievements of immigrant students);
h) Schooling of minority communities in Slovenia:
- The cornerstones of the history of Hungarian and Italian national minorities
- The development of bilingual education in Prekmurje
- The characteristics of bilingual education (school network, the adaption of curricula, didactical models, teaching staff, post-compulsory education)
- The schooling of Italian minority in Slovenska Istra
- The aims and challenges of minority education in Slovenia;

i) The education of pedagogical staff to work with culturally and linguistically heterogeneous student body (characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the concept of intercultural competences)