Community education
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Kušar Simon, prof. dr. Ličen Nives, prof. dr. Potočnik Slavič Irma
• Theories of sustainable development and degrowth: sustainability and adult education Space, place, and dimensions of space and education for local development.
• Social development and community psychology as a framework for community education.
• The role of culture in local development and development of community wellbeing
• Adult education and economic development of a community.
• Concepts of learning community/learning city and the new role of work, economic development, leissure, and actors in contemporary social circumstances
• Transformative learning in local comuunity and transformative learning for development (O'Sullivan)
• Environmental education.
• Rural education. as a part of community education
• Adult education in cultural institutions.
• ANT theory (Latour), rhisomes (Deleuze and Guattari) and ecologies of learningThe social causes of neurosis today's civilization and respond to the socio-cultural forms of animation
• Definition, historical development, and functions of socio-cultural animation
• Community education as the Anglo-Saxon model of reciprocal learning and interaction.
• Selected strategies in community education (study circles, intergenerational education, project design, community of practice, participatory action research, ethnomethodology)
1. Clover, D. E., Jayme, B., Hall, B. in Follen, S. (2013). The Nature of Transformation: Environmental Adult Education. Rotterdam: Sense. NAROČENO
2. Jubas, K., Taber, N. in Brown, T. (2015). Popular Culture as Pedagogy. Rotterdam: Sense. NAROČENO
3. Kloos, B., Hill, J., Thomas, E., Wandersman, A., Elias, M. in Dalton, J. (2021). Community Psychology. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. [Izbrana poglavja za projektna dela]. ID=53943138 (2012), 2021 NAROČENO
4. Kroth, M. in Cranton, P. (2014). Stories of transformative learning. Rotterdam: Sense. NAROČENO
5. Leal Filho, W., Mifsud, M. in Pace, P. (ur.) (2018). Handbook of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Cham: Springer. [Izbrana poglavja za projektna dela]. NAROČENO
6. Ličen, N. (ur.) (2019). Izobraževanje v skupnosti : izbrani primeri za projektno delo. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko. [Izbrana poglavja za projektna dela].ID=166058755
7. Philips, R. in Wong, C. (ur.) (2017). Handbook of Community Well-Being Research. New York: Springer [Izbrana poglavja za projektna dela]. NAROČENO
8. Urh, D., Dolžan Eržen, T., Cepin, M., Lajovic, F. in Bogataj, N. (2019). Študijski krožki : iz korenin k novim izzivom za življenje v skupnosti. Ljubljana: Andragoški center Slovenije. https://sk.acs.si/objave/studijski-krozki-iz-korenin-novim-izzivom-za-z…
9. Zuber-Skerritt, O. (2013). Lifelong Action Learning for Community Development. Rotterdam: Sense. NAROČENO