Anglo-American Literary Theory

Anglo-American Literary Theory

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Blake Jason Frederick

Students will immerse themselves in the fundamental concepts and approaches of Anglo-American literary theory. After an introduction to traditional literary theory in the style of the “New Criticism,” we will devote ourselves to other theories, including formalist and structuralist theories; reader-oriented theories; theories more focussed on social and historical contexts; and postmodernism as well as other contemporary theories. Throughout the semester we will focus on theory as it pertains to specific literary texts from various genres.

Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press, 2009. COBISS.SI-ID – 31421485
Eagleton, T. 1983 and later editions. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. COBISS.SI-ID – 40353537
Selden, R., Widdowson, P. and Brooker, P. 2005. A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Harlow (etc.): Pearson Longman.