Didactics of Latin - Pedagogical practicum
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Hriberšek Matej
- preparations for class
- teacher's tasks within and outside the teaching process
- observing teaching process and factors related (stages of a lesson; accommodation of teaching process and the contents taught; the role of the teacher; maintaining the discipline; teacher's attitude towards pupils; his interaction with students; weaknesses; teacher's presentation, speech and body language; the assessment).
- participation in teaching process: a) helping the supervisor; b) preparation of a lesson (with the help of the supervisor); c) carrying out a lesson (under the supervision of the mentor)
- independent preparation of didactic materials
- if more than one students participate in the teaching practice: observing colleagues, evaluating their work, finding their deficiencies and advantages
- specifics and peculiarities of teaching process (instructive conversations with the mentor)
1. interna navodila didaktika
2. predpisani učbeniki
3. učni načrt za predmet Latinski jezik
4. maturitetni katalog